środa, 27 października 2010

Translations #1

Tłumaczeń część pierwsza, czyli rzecz którą robię w wolnym czasie i w pewnym sensie z patriotycznego obowiązku ;) / First part of translations, the thing I do in free time and in some way in patriotic obligation ;)

Pierwsza piosenka/First song:
Bardzo lubię Republikę, a ta piosenka jest ich najlepszym wg mnie utworem, tak więc pozwoliłem sobie, że to właśnie on trafi pod translatorskie paluszki operujące klawiaturą ^^ Jednakowoż utwór cholernie trudno było mi przetłumaczyć i nie mogę być pewien, czy wszystko jest dobrze gramatycznie jak i w sensie ogólnym tekstu./ I really like Republika and this song is their the best, (in my opinion this is the best track of them), so I allowed myself (;]) to translate it by my fingers operating a keyboard ^^However, this track was difficult to translate so I can't be sure that everything stays good grammatically and lyrics reflect the main sense of the original ones.


Where are they?
Where are All of my friends-ends-ends-ends?
Miss them too much.
Although they were never to many-any-any-any-any-any.

They have hidden
In many of dark institutions-utions-utions-utions-utions-utions.
They’ve been eaten.
By galloping prostitution-ution-ution-ution-ution-ution-ution.

Where are many of my dear friends?
Fighters from the passed years.
They were never too many.
Now I’m all alone…

Who is this man?
In these cultural glasses?
How’s he trying with nice sitting and good praising!
Oh, what a tone and a nod
And measure in every sentence.
And really smart he has beliefs-eliefs- eliefs- eliefs- eliefs- eliefs- eliefs.

Where are many of my dear friends?
Fighters from the passed years.
They were never to many.
Now I’m all alone…

And there are, there are all of them,
My friends from the many sides.
What a march and how a beauty step.
They are marching head by head ahead.
In carpet-slipers, and in suits,
And with pijamas in their hands.
With their jobs, and their taxes and their waving white flags,
There comes the crowd of them.
Crowd of them.
Crowd of them.
Crowd of them.
Crowd of them…

Where are they?
Hey, where are they?
Miss them too much.
Miss them too much.

Where are they?
Miss them too much.
Where are they?
Miss them too much.
Where are they?
Miss them too much.
Where are they?
Miss them too much.

Where are they?
Where are they?
Miss them too much.

Where are they… they… they… they… they… they… they… they… they… they… they… they…?

Druga piosenka/ The second song:

Dobrze, to było dosyć łatwe, nieprawdaż? Teraz daję wam dawkę czegoś JESZCZE ŁATWIEJSZEGO! Niemen zawsze był jednym z najlepszych polskich piosenkarzy, niby miał tę swoją koszmarnie długą, 6minutową wersję tej piosenki, no ale każdy tłumacz musi mieć swoją wersję ;]/ OK, that was quite easy, wasn't it? Now I'll give you something EVEN EASIER! Niemen was always one of the best Polish vocalists and even created this horrible, 6-minute long version of this song. Nevertheless, every translator has to have his own version ;]

Tłumaczenie/ Translation:

Strange is this world.
Where is still
Hidden lots of evil.
And strange is that from so much time
People hate each other.

Strange is this world.
World of men’s issues.
Sometimes it’s a shame to admit.
However, there’s still that
Someone with a bad word
Can kill just like with a knife.

But people of good will are numerous
And I believe in it
That this world
Will never die due to them.
No! No! No!
The time has come.
It’s about time
To destroy hatred in ourselves.

But people of good will are numerous
And I believe in it
That this world
Will never die due to them.
No! No! No!
The time has come.
It’s about time
To destroy hatred in ourselves.

Co myślicie o tłumaczeniach? Szczerze mówiąc, najwięcej pewności mam jedynie do tego drugiego. Swoje opinie piszcie w komentarzach, jestem na wszystkie krytyki jak najbardziej otwarty ;)/ What do you think about these translations? Honestly, I'm only sure about the second one. Please write your opinions in the comment section below. I will respect every critic ;)

1 komentarz:

  1. Siemasz Młody :)
    Bardzo mi się podoba. Blog, a tłumaczenia już w szczególności. A jeszcze szczególniej Nieme, bo za republiką nie przepadam :P
    Trzym się ciepło,
